Myopia (nearsightedness) makes it difficult to see objects far away, while hyperopia (farsightedness) causes nearby objects to appear blurry. […]
What Is Commonly Misdiagnosed as Pink Eye?
Before you jump to conclusions and assume that you have pink eye, it’s essential to understand that several conditions can mimic the same set of symptoms. A few conditions commonly misdiagnosed as pink eye include: […]
Why Are My Eyes so Dry in The Morning?
Waking up with dry, scratchy eyes can put a damper on your morning routine. If you find yourself frequently asking, “Why are my eyes so dry in the mornings?” you’re not alone. Many people experience dry eyes, particularly upon waking. Morning dry eye can be a consequence of several things, including nocturnal lagophthalmos, sleeping with […]
How Long Can Digital Eye Strain Last?
Usually, eye strain can last for several hours and resolves on its own. If you start to notice sore, irritated eyes, try to take a break from screens for a while—this should help reduce the symptoms quickly. […]
Can Allergies Cause Dry Eye?
Allergies are a common nuisance for many, often causing symptoms like sneezing, itching, and nasal congestion. However, one lesser-known effect of allergies is their impact on our eyes, particularly in causing dry eye syndrome. Allergies can directly affect dry eyes in many different ways including: In this blog post, we’ll explore the connection between allergies […]
What Can I Do To Keep My Eyes Healthy?
Many ways you keep your body strong also work for your eyes, like exercising and getting enough sleep, but it’s also essential to take extra steps specific to your eyes, like wearing sunglasses or limiting screen time. […]